It seems . . .
. . . that exit polls are unreliable and skewed. And scary. But still, unreliable.
And above all, addictive. Even when you've been told they're unreliable.
Won't get into the whole mess now, except to say that Drudge and NRO took cues from the MSM (mainstream media) and released some exit poll numbers that were 59% female to 41% male. Not such a good idea, guys. Now conservatives all over the Web are having a collective hissy fit. Me, I wouldn't have minded so much that they posted skewed numbers (except, of course, that I nearly had a heart attack for a few minutes there), as long as they'd mentioned that they were skewed.
But at least -- if I may be totally self-centered and shallow for a moment -- it's all fodder for the semester project! Not to mention that it should aid the Bush get-out-the-vote effort.
More to come.
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