Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Oh, for the love of . . .

Not AGAIN. Mr. Kerry, will you please just concede already? Don't make us go through this a second time, especially when there's no mathematical possibility you can get Ohio.

And why won't anyone call Iowa or New Mexico?

I shouldn't have gone to bed!!

Calm down, deep breath -- don't sweat it. All the numbers indicate Bush pulled it off. Thank God.

(Liberal friends and classmates, if you ever drop by here -- well, I did tell you this would be a conservative blog! It's meant to be part of "mystory," after all. But please don't think I'm trying to rub your nose in anything. Just expressing a little relief, that's all. Oh, who am I kidding. A LOT of relief.)

UPDATE: Excellent post from The Horserace Blog about MSM coverage. Including Fox's. Fox vs. the bloggers -- now there's a story I wouldn't have predicted.


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