Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"In God's Image"

Wonderful piece here about worldview and creativity -- with a nod to Flannery O'Connor, whom I like, and Dorothy L. Sayers, whom I adore. (It's not exaggerating to say that the latter changed my life.)

Only paragraph I didn't care for was the old "Beethoven as the harbinger of the fallacy of Romanticism" stereotype. Maybe he was, but it's not like he did it on purpose. He certainly wasn't a Wagner or Nietszche type!

Oh, well. I'm off now to watch my new "Dukes of Hazzard" DVD.

Let's face it, I'm weird.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day thoughts

Another one of those holidays when it's hard to say, "Have a happy . . ."

I'll turn things over to Mark Steyn now, as he's one Canadian who truly gets what this day is about.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Will wonders never cease?

I truly never thought I'd hear myself say this, but . . . Go Joan Didion! A very well-thought-out piece of work here. Now, if only she'd written it before Terri died instead of after . . .

(Thanks to Roberto and Douglas.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The curse of the TomKat

Make. It. Stop.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The next Gene Kelly?

If this is true, kill me now.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Another hero

To add a bit more to the last entry, there’s one more Loreno brother—the oldest—who didn’t get a mention in the article. He wanted to go to war, but the work he was doing as a welder was too valuable to the war effort, and they made him stay home.

Nonetheless, I think of my grandfather as a hero. I don’t want to be one of those people who overuses the word till it has no meaning left. But he was a man who stayed faithfully at his post and did a job that must have been tedious at best when he wanted very badly to be doing something else. And beyond that, Grandpa is my own personal example of what it means to love—not your enemies, perhaps, but at least your opponents. You might say, how to have opponents without turning them into enemies.

I’ll never forget one particular day Mom and I got into a political argument with him over something or other (he was an FDR Democrat to the day of his death). He caught me in the hall afterwards and told me, “I love you, my little Republican granddaughter.”

Does that make Albert Loreno a hero? In this day and age, I tend to think it does.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

'Tribute to a fallen hero'

I've been MIA again for some time, and again, I'm sorry. Still trying to get the hang of this blogging thing -- particularly the idea that you're supposed to do it EVERY DAY. Amazing how daunting that idea can be. But I am still alive, and I am still trying to keep this going. (My grad school class just finished for the summer, so that should be a help, I hope.)

That said . . .

I want to share something that ran in my great-uncle's local paper after he died on Good Friday. I can't find it anywhere online, so I'll have to reprint it in its entirety. It may look long, but it really is worth a read. Like this reporter, I'm another who will miss Uncle Chub's utterly fascinating war stories. (Everyone called him Chub -- I have no idea why, because to the end of his life the man was as fit as any 20-year-old who spends hours a day in the gym!)

"Tribute to a fallen hero
Earl Corp

"The word hero means different things to different people.

"To a kid it might be the Little League coach or Scout leader who takes time out of their own life to give the child an opportunity to succeed or feel special.

"To some, it could be the firefighter or cop who keep our lives and property safe.

"Or the single mom raising two kids and holding down two jobs.

"My definition of a hero is an ordinary person who has faced extraordinary circumstances or overwhelming odds and overcome them.

"Actually, the people who have put their life on the line to ensure I am free to sit at this computer and report the news are my heroes.

"In November, I had the opportunity to add to my list of heroes when I interviewed the four Loreno brothers.

"All four served in World War II and came home. None were wounded.

"Each of the brothers graciously took time to sit down and talk about their experiences with me.

"While all the stories were interesting, the brother to whom I felt most akin was Charles.

"Charles had been an infantryman in every major European campaign from Africa to D-day through the Battle of the Bulge.

"I also served as an infantryman in the U.S. Army, though not in combat.

"Charles told me stories that had me on the edge of my seat.

"Never making himself the hero or embellishing his role, Charles talked to me as if I was a comrade and made me feel very comfortable.

"Time seemed to fly as I listened to his tales, some humorous, others sad.

"When the war was over, Charles came home and started the life he had had to put on hold for four years.

"Over the next 60 years, he worked, raised a family and contributed to society.

"Just a normal Joe in Greenville, nothing fancy. You could have passed Charles in a store and never known you were in the presence of a hero.

"He didn’t make a big deal over his military service.

"To him it was just a chapter in his life.

"Unfortunately, the story ended for Charles last Friday, he passed away.

"His brother Ed told me during viewing hours Charles died peacefully in his sleep.

"Not a bad way to go, considering all Charles had been through during the war.

"The afternoon spent with Charles Loreno will always be a great source of pride for me as a reporter.

"I was given the honor to record history from a source quickly disappearing every day—a World War II veteran.

"I urge anyone to take advantage of the opportunity to talk to these living history resources before they’re gone.

"History books or movies can’t give the same feel for an event as someone who had been there and done that.

"It was a privilege to have met Charles and his brothers. It was a pleasure to record their stories.

"I know heartfelt condolences go out to the Loreno family from myself and the entire Record-Argus family.

"--Earl Corp is a (Greenville, Pa.) Record-Argus staff writer."

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What's sauce for the goose . . .

Warning: This piece, about the long overdue backlash against "V-Day," contains adult language and crude descriptions. But it's definitely worth a read.

Monday, May 02, 2005

'Stay-at-Home Moms Deserve High Pay, Analysis Shows'

No joke, Sherlock.

Scott Peterson in your pew

"You probably didn’t notice Scott Peterson in church this past Sunday. But he was there. . . . There were little boys and young men in our congregations this past Sunday who are wondering what it means to be a man, who have no idea what it means to be a protector of women and children."

This is one amazing article, ladies and gentlemen. Please make sure you read it and pass it along. (Thanks to Catherina for sharing it with me.)