Monday, August 22, 2005

Hate to say 'We told you so'

But, well, we told you so.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

How (not) to win readers

Insult the ones you already have. (Scroll to the second item.)

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Finally . . .

Someone talks sense about Dobson. There hasn't been a lot of that going around lately.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

They're just not getting it

This from USA Today on The Da Vinci Code:

"But many Christians have been offended by the book's central claim — that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had descendants."

Um, no. Many Christians have been offended by the book's central claim that Jesus is not the Son of God. (And that the church knew but tried to cover it up, and that His TRUE followers honor Him with secret sex rituals.) But I'll pay you five dollars for every explanation of that simple fact that shows up in any newspaper.

Honestly, people. Do your research.