Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Proof that we live in the 21st century

Little boy calling to mom in airport: "Bye! See you on the webcam!"

I witnessed that little moment as I was leaving for vacation. Which I'm still on, and which will mean no updates for a while. (Blogging is not what I'm supposed to be doing with the company's laptop, although they probably won't mind this one update. And hopefully they won't mind the occasional message board visit either, although I'm trying to cut down there too. Someone send me the number for Web Junkies Anonymous, will you?) I'll see you all later!

Friday, July 22, 2005

It must be nice to live in Hollywood

Because you're always getting surprised.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Politics, etc.

Whoa. A conservative white male. I didn't think Bush had the nerve. But then, he does like to surprise people.

As for Mr. Bush's former rival, apparently he should've stuck to the Internet.

I realize I never said anything about the London bombings, by the way. I guess everyone else said it better than I could. But my prayers and my thoughts are there.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Holy cow, there's a name for it. And I thought I was the only one who had it!

(Because Corner links rarely seem to work right, here's the text:

"OFF TO CRUISE [Rich Lowry]
Headed out, after confronting my usual packing problem. I have an obsessive fear of being caught short on reading material on trips. I don't know what this phobia is called--am I a bibliodeficencyphobic or something like that?--but it's a major crimp in my travel. Sure, I tell myself, this thick novel should be enough to last me a week. But what if it doesn't engage my interest? What if I have more time on my hands than I thought and get through it relatively quickly? Better take something else. But what if that other book proves very skimmable and it lasts less than a day? Better take something else. But what? What if I take the wrong thing, and feel the urge to read something else instead? And on it goes until I've stuffed my bag with so many books--the vast majority of which will go untouched--that I've got to worry about how to fit all my clothes.
Posted at 11:18 AM")

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Speaking of Steyn

I think he must have crawled inside my brain. I'm looking at my new "Little Women, The Musical" CD this morning (highly recommended by an online buddy) and wondering just why such a promising-sounding production did so badly on Broadway. I flip it open to read the synopsis, and my Steyn-trained eye immediately lights on "The story opens in New York City. . . . Jo March has recently arrived from Concord." Well, DUH. You don't open "Little Women" with Jo off by herself. There's the key to your flop, right there.

Good grief. I guess now I know everything there is to know about writing a musical, huh? Too bad I don't have a creative bone in my body. But anyone who loves theater, make sure you read Steyn's Broadway Babies Say Goodnight sometime. (And pay special attention to pp. 13-19 if you're wondering how it's possible for the first ten minutes to kill a show.) Brilliant work. The chapter on Sondheim alone ("to be cut from a Sondheim flop is as high praise as you can get") is worth the price of admission.

Friday, July 08, 2005

He's back, baby!

"Monk's" back! "Monk's" back! Don't anyone try to get hold of me between 10 and 11 tonight -- I'll be getting my "Monk" fix. 'Cause he's back. (In case you hadn't heard.)

"She believed in grace"

An epitaph worth having. A marvelous review that made me add to my to-read list again (which I really shouldn't be doing, as it's already about 17,000 books long).

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Steyn rocks (even more than usual)

So it seems there were all these big rock concerts last weekend for charity. I found myself looking at headlines and thinking, "Hm, guess I should've followed that more closely, maybe." And then I thought, "No need -- I'll get everything I need to know from Steyn."

As ever, the great one did not disappoint.

(And then, of course, I found myself assigned to write about the event for work and had to get serious about it. But out of everything I had to read for research, Steyn's was still the best.)

Monday, July 04, 2005

That's it, I AM old

So I'm reading last week's Washington Post (the blog is not the only place where I keep getting behind), and I find this article about quotes that SHOULD have been on the AFI's list. (See below -- I'm too lazy to link right now). And what should hit me right smack-dab in the eye but Jack Lemmon's immortal "Captain, it is I, Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your stinkin' palm tree overboard."

I can't believe I forgot to gripe about that one not being on the list. My most abject apologies, Mr. Lemmon.

(And incidentally, how come you always got the movies with the best lines? You must have had an absolute genius for picking the right script.)

Just wondering

When Washington is the nation's capital, how come Boston puts on a better show every year?

Oh, well, let's just be happy that there's a city that knows how to throw a birthday party for the nation, no matter which city it is. Happy Fourth!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Preach it, Peggy

Wow. When Peggy the Perpetually Positive gets on your case, you know you need to make a change or two.

By the way, a belated Happy Birthday (June 30) to The Blog Dad. I keep telling him he needs to do something about his birthday being so close to Father's Day, but no success so far.