Rest in peace, Terri Schiavo
"Schiavo Dies 13 Days after Tube Removed"
"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." --Paul
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." --Jesus
"Schiavo Dies 13 Days after Tube Removed"
Please, if I ever end up in any kind of incapacitated state, don't let this nutjob anywhere within a hundred miles of me. I always suspected Felos was a little weird, but this beats all.
Susan Konig:
Peggy Noonan on Terri Schiavo, again:
My sister and I always used to wonder what you were supposed to say to people on this day. "Happy Good Friday" just doesn't seem suitable, somehow.
"I promised Terri I would tell the world that she had tried to say, 'I want to live.'"
"Reinsertion of Schiavo Feeding Tube Denied"
For those who've been following the debate in The Corner: I'm not sure I can ever read Derb the same way again. Not that I expect them all to march in lockstep over there -- far from it. And not that I've never disagreed with him before, as you'll know if you're familiar with this little blog.
From Peggy Noonan:
"They're going to talk and talk and she's going to die." That's about the size of it.
I don't have much time to blog today, but keep an eye on The Corner -- they've got all the latest updates on Terri. (I think they may also have a link to that skewed MSNBC poll that I promised but neglected to provide.) I'll just add this: A country where the legislators work around the clock and the president gets up at one in the morning to save one woman's life -- when that woman is brain-damaged and, as some would have it, not at all a useful or productive member of society -- is a country that I'm proud of.
If you'll allow me to slip into fangirl mode for just a moment . . .
Key quote: "She can breathe on her own, but has relied on the feeding and hydration tube to keep her alive."
-- There's a lot of information here, and it's a little hard to sort out. But the main point appears to be that the fight for Terri goes on, even though the two houses of Congress apparently failed to reach consensus before their Easter break. Andrew McCarthy puts it nicely: "Easter, of course, is the day we mark because the Savior of the World, without even taking a recess, sacrificed Himself to redeem us. I hope our congress enjoys their recess."
So a commercial comes on TV last night for the WB's latest reality show, The Starlet, and this appears on the screen:
. . . as the Schiavo story, here are two takes on Million Dollar Baby -- very different from each other, but both well worth reading.
Congress is taking action on the Terri Schiavo case. Read about it and contact your congressmen. Major thanks to FRC for expediting the process.
I'm no Dan Rather fan, goodness knows, but isn't Cronkite supposed to be his friend? Or at least a well-wisher? My gosh, Peggy Noonan was nicer to him. But then, Peggy Noonan has a little class.